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Get all the Support @ Mantra

Assess and Improve your emotional health with Mantra – the World’s #1 Mental Health Organization

Do you think you might be suffering from sadness, anxiety, stress, or any other issue? Take our free emotional assessment today and find out! This quick and easy test will help you to understand more about how you’re feeling and give you some insight into what might be going on.

Get online therapy with a licensed therapist at subsidized prices. It offers a safe space to talk about feelings, thoughts, and struggles. Together, you explore challenges, develop coping strategies, and gain insight into yourself. The psychologist listens without judgment, offering tools to manage stress, anxiety, or sadness

Be heard by listeners and chat with others who understand your Issues. Follow the steps below to start chatting now!

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To get started with your journey, download the MindMantra app.


Answer a few questions, and we’ll match you with a Mantra Listener that’s right for you.


Connect with a listener at your convenience for 1:1 virtual chat.

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