List of top NGOs in Kolkata

There are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Kolkata, India. Some of them include:

  • Mantra Foundations: Works towards providing quality healthcare services that includes physical & mental health, vision care, chronic illness, women welfare, and more.
  • EyeMantra FoundationWorks to improve the quality of eyecare facilities for the underprivileged sections of the society
  • Akshaya Patra Foundation: Provides mid-day meals to school children to improve nutrition & encourage attendance.
  • CRY (Child Rights & You): Works to ensure the rights of children are protected & they have access to education & healthcare.
women health
  • Calcutta Rescue: Works to provide healthcare, education, & social services to underprivileged communities.
  • HelpAge India: Works to improve the quality of life for senior citizens through healthcare, counseling, & advocacy.
  • Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy: Works to provide education, training, & rehabilitation services to children & adults with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.
  • Wildlife Conservation Society-India: Works to conserve wildlife & their habitats in Kolkata
  • Udayan Care: Provide education, healthcare, & vocational training to underprivileged children and youth
  • Smile Foundation: Works to support underprivileged children & youth through education, healthcare, & livelihood programs.
  • Save the Children India: Works to promote the rights of children & provide them with education, healthcare, & protection.
  • Child In Need Institute: Works to provide healthcare, education, & social services to underprivileged children and their families.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have played a significant role in Kolkata formerly known as Calcutta. Here are some of the ways in which NGOs have made an impact in Kolkata:

  • Providing Education: Focused on providing education to underprivileged children. They run schools, provide scholarships, & organize vocational training programs to help children gain valuable skills.
  • Healthcare: Providing healthcare services to those who cannot afford it. They run hospitals, clinics, & mobile medical units to reach out to people in remote areas. They also organize health camps & awareness campaigns to educate people about health-related issues.
  • Women Empowerment: Working to empower women & girls who are forced into prostitution. They provide education, vocational training, & rehabilitation services to help women break out of the cycle of exploitation.
  • Environmental Conservation: Several NGOs in Kolkata are actively involved in environmental conservation efforts. They organize campaigns to raise awareness about pollution, climate change, & waste management. They also work with communities to implement sustainable practices that can help protect the environment.
  • Disaster Relief: Kolkata is prone to natural disasters like floods & cyclones, & NGOs play an important role in providing relief & support to affected communities. They organize emergency response teams, provide food, shelter, & medical assistance to people in need.
  • Make a positive impact: Work towards various causes such as poverty reduction, education, healthcare, environmental conservation, & animal welfare, among others. By donating to an NGO, you can make a positive impact on the world & contribute towards creating a better future.
  • Help those in need: NGOs often work with marginalized & vulnerable communities who lack access to basic resources such as food, water, & healthcare. By donating to an NGO, you can help provide these resources & improve the quality of life for those in need.
  • Support a cause you believe in: NGOs often work towards causes that align with your personal values & beliefs. By donating to an NGO, you can support a cause you are passionate about & help bring about positive change.
  • Tax benefits: Donations to NGOs are often tax-deductible, which means you can reduce your tax liability while supporting a cause you believe in.
  • Increase social responsibility: Donating to NGOs can increase your sense of social responsibility & encourage others to do the same. By setting an example & promoting positive change, you can inspire others to take action & contribute towards creating a better world.

Donating to Mantra Foundations can lead to a great impact on improving healthcare services & promoting the welfare of marginalized & vulnerable sections of people in India. There are many reasons why you may want to donate with Mantra Foundations, some of which include:

  • Impactful Cause: NGOs work towards impactful causes that align with their values & beliefs. Mantra Foundation’s work towards providing quality healthcare services that includes physical & mental health, vision care, chronic illness, women welfare, & more, can be a compelling reason for someone to donate.
  • Transparency & Accountability: NGOs that are transparent & accountable with their funds & resources. Mantra Foundation is a registered non-profit organization that maintains complete transparency & provides regular updates on its programs & initiatives.
  • Trusted & Reliable: People tend to donate to NGOs that have a good reputation & are considered trustworthy & reliable. Mantra Foundation has been working in the healthcare sector for several years & has gained the trust of its donors and partners.
  • Tax Benefits: Donating to NGOs like Mantra Foundation can also provide tax benefits to the donors, as such organizations are registered as charitable institutions & are eligible for tax exemptions.
  • Personal Satisfaction: Donating to a cause that one believes in can provide a sense of personal satisfaction & fulfillment. It can also help in creating a positive impact on society & make a difference in the lives of people who need support & assistance.
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