List of top NGOs in Visakhapatnam

There are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Visakhapatnam. Some of them include:

  • Mantra Foundations: Works towards providing quality healthcare services that includes physical & mental health, vision care, chronic illness, women welfare, and more.
  • EyeMantra FoundationWorks to improve the quality of eyecare facilities for the underprivileged sections of the society
  • HelpAge India – Works towards improving the lives of elderly people. They provide healthcare, livelihood, & support services to senior citizens.
women health
  • Bala Vikasa – Focuses on community development & empowerment. They work towards promoting education, healthcare, & livelihood opportunities in rural areas.
  • Naandi Foundation – Works towards promoting sustainable livelihoods & environmental conservation. They provide training, support, & resources to farmers & rural communities.
  • Sankalp India Foundation – Works towards improving the lives of children with disabilities. They provide education, healthcare, & support services to children with disabilities.
  • People’s Action for Rural Awakening – Works towards promoting rural development & social justice. They provide training, support, & resources to farmers, women, & rural communities
  • Save the Children – Works towards improving the lives of children. They provide education, healthcare, & protection services to underprivileged children in the city.
  • Akshaya Patra Foundation – Works towards providing mid-day meals to underprivileged children. Their aim is to address the issue of hunger & malnutrition among children.
  • Smile Foundation – Works towards promoting education & healthcare. They provide education, healthcare, & support services to underprivileged children & families.
  • Visakha Society for Protection & Care of Animals – Works towards promoting animal welfare & protection. They provide shelter, healthcare, & support services to stray animals.
  • Disaster relief & rehabilitation: Visakhapatnam is prone to natural disasters such as cyclones & floods. NGOs have been instrumental in providing relief & rehabilitation to the victims of such disasters. They provide emergency aid, shelter, food, & water to those affected by disasters. They also work to rebuild homes & infrastructure that has been damaged or destroyed by natural calamities.
  • Education & Skill Development: Working to improve access to education & skill development, particularly for children & youth from underprivileged backgrounds. They run schools, provide scholarships, & organize extracurricular activities to help children develop their talents & skills. They also offer vocational training programs to help youth & women become more employable.
  • Women Empowerment: Working to empower women & girls. They provide education, vocational training, & financial assistance to help them become self-sufficient. They also work to raise awareness about women’s rights & issues such as domestic violence & gender discrimination.
  • Healthcare: Working to improve access to healthcare for people who cannot afford it. They run hospitals, clinics, & mobile medical units to provide medical services to people in remote areas. They also organize health camps & awareness campaigns to educate people about health-related issues.
  • Environment & Sustainability: Visakhapatnam faces several environmental challenges, such as water & air pollution, & NGOs are working to address these issues. They organize campaigns to raise awareness about pollution, climate change, & waste management. They also work to protect the city’s biodiversity by preserving green spaces & promoting eco-friendly practices.

There are several reasons why you should choose to donate to NGO in Visakhapatnam, some of which are listed below:

  • To help those in need: NGOs often work for issues that are aimed to help those in need. By donating, you can directly donate to their efforts & help them reach out to more people in need.
  • To make a difference: Donating to an NGO can make a significant difference in the lives of the people or causes that the NGO supports. Your donation can help an NGO provide food, education, shelter, or medical aid to those who need it.
  • To support a cause you care about: There are a variety of NGOs that work for different causes such as animal rights, education, healthcare, environment, social justice, & more. By donating to an NGO that supports a cause you care about, you can help bring about positive change in that area.
  • Tax benefits: In many countries, donations to NGOs are tax-deductible. This means that you can get a tax deduction for the amount you donate, which can help reduce your tax burden.
  • Accountability: NGOs are often required to be transparent & accountable for the funds they receive. This means that your donation is likely to be used for the intended purpose & will be accounted for.
  • To inspire others: Your donation can inspire others to donate as well. When people see that others are donating to a cause, they are more likely to join in & support it too.

Few general reasons to why someone might choose to donate to a NGO like Mantra Foundation that works towards providing quality healthcare services:

  • Impact: Can build a remarkable influence on the lives of those who need healthcare services. Your donation can help provide access to quality healthcare services to people who may not have the means to afford them.
  • Transparency & Accountability: Mantra Foundation have a transparent process for donations & are accountable for how they use the funds. This means you can be confident that your donation is being used effectively & efficiently.
  • Tax Benefits: Provide tax benefits to donors, which can help reduce the overall tax burden
  • Personal Connection: You may choose to donate to Mantra Foundation because you have a personal connection to the cause, or because you believe in the mission & values of the organization.
  • Social Responsibility: Supporting NGO’s like Mantra Foundation is a way to fulfill one’s social responsibility towards society & contribute to the betterment of the community.
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