List of top NGOs in USA

There are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in USA. Some of them include:

  • Mantra Foundations: Works towards providing quality healthcare services that includes physical & mental health, vision care, chronic illness, women welfare, and more.
  • EyeMantra FoundationWorks to improve the quality of eyecare facilities for the underprivileged sections of the society
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – Works towards protecting & preserving the civil independence & rights of individuals in the US. They provide legal representation, advocacy, & support services to individuals & communities facing discrimination or violation of their rights.
women health
  • Doctors Without Borders USA (MSF USA) – Works towards providing medical aid & healthcare services to individuals & communities affected by conflict, disasters, & epidemics around the world. They operate in over 70 countries & provide emergency medical services to individuals & communities in need.
  • Habitat for Humanity International – Works towards providing affordable housing & support services to underprivileged individuals & families in the US & around the world. They build & repair homes, provide training and support services, & advocate for policies that promote affordable housing.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – Works towards promoting mental health & wellbeing. They offer education, support, & advocacy services to individuals & families facing mental health challenges in the US.
  • Feeding America – Works towards providing food & support services to individuals & families facing hunger in the US. They operate a network of food banks & pantries across the country & provide other support services to individuals & communities in need.
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America – Works towards promoting reproductive & sexual health. They provide education, counseling, & support services to individuals & families seeking reproductive & sexual healthcare in the US.
  • The Nature Conservancy – Works towards promoting environmental conservation & sustainability. They protect & restore natural habitats, promote biodiversity, & provide education & advocacy services to individuals & communities in the US & around the world.
  • Amnesty International USA – Works towards promoting human rights & social justice. They provide advocacy, research, & support services to individuals & communities in the US & around the world.
  • The Trevor Project – Works towards providing crisis intervention & suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ individuals in the US. They provide counseling, education, & support services to LGBTQ+ youth & their families.
  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – Works towards promoting wildlife conservation & environmental sustainability. They protect & restore natural habitats, promote biodiversity, & provide education & advocacy services to individuals and communities in the US & around the world.

NGOs play a notable part in the United States, both in terms of their impact on society & the economy. Here are some of the ways in which NGOs have contributed to the US:

  • Humanitarian Services: Plays a significant role in the delivery of humanitarian services, particularly in areas such as disaster response, health care, & food security. They offer support services, disaster relief, medical care, & other forms of assistance to people who are in need, including vulnerable & marginalized groups such as the homeless, refugees, & low-income families.
  • Environment & Sustainability: Works to address environmental & sustainability issues, such as climate change, pollution, & biodiversity loss. They engage in research, advocacy, & awareness-raising campaigns to promote sustainable practices & protect the environment.
  • Human Rights & Social Justice: Works to promote & protect human rights & social justice, both domestically & internationally. They provide legal assistance, advocacy, & support services to victims of human rights abuses, including refugees & asylum seekers.
  • Education & Research: Support education & research, particularly in areas such as science, technology, engineering, & mathematics (STEM). They provide funding, training, & support to educational institutions & research organizations, helping to promote innovation & advance knowledge in various fields.
  • Arts & Culture: Promote arts & culture, supporting museums, galleries, theaters, & other cultural institutions, & organizing cultural events & festivals.

Make a difference: NGOs work to address various social, environmental, & economic issues. By donating, you can contribute to their cause & create a positive influence on the society.

  • Tax benefits: Donations that are made to recognized NGOs such as MantraFoundations can be claimed as tax deductions. This will reduce your tax liability & increase your disposable income.
  • Fulfillment: Making a donation will give you a sense of satisfaction & fulfillment. It is also a way to show gratitude for the necessities you have & help those in need.
  • Help in emergencies: In times of natural disasters, pandemics, or other emergencies, NGOs usually offer immediate relief & support to affected communities. Donations can help them provide necessary aid & support.
  • Transparency & accountability: Many NGOs sustain transparency & accountability in their operations & finances. They issue annual reports, audited accounts, & other disclosures to ensure that donors’ money is used effectively & efficiently.
  • Raise awareness: By donating to NGOs, you can help raise awareness regarding various issues that may not get enough attention in the mainstream media.

Conclusively, donating to NGOs can be a meaningful & impactful way to contribute to social causes & help those in need.

There are many reasons to why one might choose to donate to Mantra Foundation:

  • Impact: By donating to Mantra Foundation, you will help create a notable influence on the lives of people who need quality healthcare services. The foundation’s focus on physical & mental health, vision care, chronic illness, women welfare, & other crucial domains means that your donation will go towards addressing some of the most pressing health issues facing communities today.
  • Transparency: Mantra Foundation is devoted to transparency & accountability. The organization timely publishes information about its activities, including financial statements, impact reports, & other important information, so you can be rest assured that your donation is being used effectively & efficiently.
  • Efficiency: Mantra Foundation is devoted to escalating the influence of every donation it gains. The organization works hard to keep managerial costs low & direct the majority of funds towards programs & services that directly benefit people in need.
  • Expertise: Mantra Foundation is directed by a team of experts in healthcare, social work, & other related fields. This explains that your donation will be used to support high-quality programs & services that are designed to make a real difference in the lives of people in need.
  • Personal connection: Lastly, donating to Mantra Foundation is a chance to create a personal connection with the communities that the organization serves. You can be a part of a larger effort to improve the health & well-being of people who might not otherwise have access to quality healthcare services.
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